

July 27, 2021

Genesis Ray launches Site Suitability Tool,, empowers Renewable energy players to mitigate siting risk

Site Suitability

SINGAPORE, July 26, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Genesis Ray Energy, Singapore-based technology and research company in the energy sector has added another feather to its cap. It recently launched GenRay Site Suitability Mapping Module, a crucial tool that aids in the screening and selection of the most suitable site for renewable energy projects. The tool has particular significance in the current Covid-19 times when extensive physical site surveys have become difficult.

"Our tools add value at each stage of the project life cycle including pre-feasibility studies, operations, project-exit/sale and aids in making right investment, repowering and acquisition decisions.”
Irfan Choudhry

Site Suitability with Explorer Platform

Promote your renewable energy projects with confidence using the Explorer’s platform, featuring an advanced Site Suitability tool. This tool offers a comprehensive virtual desktop survey capability, allowing users to assess prospective sites based on essential parameters such as land use, soil bearing capacity, proximity to transmission substations, road connectivity, topographical features, natural hazard susceptibility, and exclusion zoning details. Designed for reliability and ease of use, this new module addition significantly streamlines the process of gathering, cleaning, and verifying data, saving substantial time and effort for site surveyors, consultants, and technical teams.

By integrating this module into the Explorer’s platform, Genesis Ray continues to enhance the quality of data and analytics it provides, supporting error-free and cost-effective decision-making for renewable energy developers. Irfan Choudhry, CEO of Genesis Ray Energy, emphasizes the company’s commitment to continually augment their core product to boost their value proposition. “Our tools add significant value at every project stage, from pre-feasibility studies to operations and project exit/sales, helping make informed decisions about investments, repowering, and acquisitions,” says Choudhry.

Moreover, Genesis Ray is planning to introduce another module that assesses the resource potential of wind or solar sites and generates probabilistic generation profiles.

GenRay EXPLORER™ now encompasses over 650GW of generation capacity data, including details on more than 38,500 wind turbines, over 465,000 km of transmission lines, and more than 35,000 km of natural gas pipelines. The platform compiles and optimizes data from various primary and secondary sources to deliver the most thorough and current database on the gas and power energy sector in South and Southeast Asia.

For more information, please contact Rahimah A Rahim at Genesis Ray Energy at +65 8809 4506 or via email at [email protected].

Discover the ideal location for your Wind and Solar Projects with the precision and expertise of Explorer Platform.